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One of my players notes that chronicle our sessions!

About 2 months worth of sessions happened before this particular player joined my game but she has been taking really great summary notes and recently sent them to me. Not all of the info is correct/names of people places spelled wrong but it’s really cool to see my players perception of what’s going on. She was absent for the last two sessions so she took notes based on word of mouth so some of those events aren’t necessarily in chronological order. It’s a long read and it might be hard to keep track of but I hope you enjoy it!
Session 1 (Oct 6th) Kit was the huntress of Queen Briand/Castle Holbrook—the queen adopted a young girl named Draya who doesn’t seem to age, even as the Queen sickens and becomes unresponsive. She’s been fleeing for a month from Castle Holbrook after witnessing horrible cult sacrifice led by Draya, pursued by hooded figures that seem immune to arrows. She’s met on the road by blue dragonborn (Saar), person dressed like a scarecrow (Skully), female aasimar in platemail (Marikiel), red tiefling in Emerald Sky Academy uniform (Neiros), tabaxi (Tazak), human bard (Robinson—I don’t think you ever met him, Chris) and a sad-looking horse (Saponlloe/Palloeson), plus a regal-looking man in merchant clothing (Gabriel) and his assorted guards. Kit blurts out the story to the group and asks them if they can help her get to Bell’s Ring for help from the wizards of the Academy. Gabriel knows Queen Briand and Draya, tells us they are coming to Bell’s Ring in about a month for a political retreat and meeting of allies. We camp on the road, notice a hooded figure with a gold fanged mask plus 9 others watching us. Their feet don’t touch the ground, and he can either see through Neiros’ invisibility or sense him by smell. Saponlloe pulls out an amulet that produces sunlight, which seems to burn them. They advance, we run to the town. Kit falls asleep in the back of their wagon, and we get to the city, where Gabriel shows a medallion to the guard for entrance and Kit is placed in the Stockade/barracks for her protection. Saponlloe reveals that he is a druid able to transform into a horse and stays with her because he feels his story is somehow connected to hers, even though he can’t remember much. The others go to the cathedral of Vertis and a library, and Robinson and Neiros stay at a different inn.
Session 2 (Oct 13th)
The Stockade is attacked during the night—the torches gutter out, the guards outside the door and right inside are slaughtered by something invisible/shadowy and the doors open on their own. A figure with a golden mask enters Kit’s locked room and recognizes Saponlloe but calls him Palloeson (“do you still feel the guilt of Reda/Retta?”), tells Kit “I won’t let you harm Draya!” and attacks, transporting the two of us to some sort of shadow realm for a round of combat. The other attackers overwhelm the guards, and even make some of the dead come back to life and fight. Tessa enters the Stockade midway through the battle and helps. After some combat, a winged demon figure with a sun emblem on his belt appears, admonishes Guilt/Corona Albright (gold mask) that this wasn’t part of the plan, and portals the two of them away to a view of a dark sky and a palisade wall, although we hold onto his mask. Marikiel is killed, Taz badly wounded and left at the cathedral to recover. Tessa tells us of her vision and her intent to join the party. Skully has a spotty memory of the letters “A_L_U_D_C_R_U_M” in some order or combination connected to his past. Saponlloe/Palloeson tells me of Reda, a young man/”Blessed One” whose murder he witnessed, and he remembers the name “Alucard” and some sort of blood moon in connection with the murder somehow with Skully’s clue. Saar collects Marikiel’s body and tells us of his plan to bring her back.
Session 3 (Oct 20th)
Saar knows of Sigmaris, a fabled city to the north where the dead can sometimes be brought back to life, and he plans to take Marikiel there. Tensions are heightened in the city, but we head to the bazaar to buy rations and warm clothes to head north. The tailor tells us of white-skinned elf living in the woods who could be a guide for us (Aedris). The gates are guarded, so Skully leads us out of the city through the sewers. We find Aedris in the woods; he tells us that his whole clan was slaughtered by someone named Rage leading the orcs/beastmen and he wants revenge in exchange for his help. We head to a nearby monastery for advice; leader tells us to try the White Drake Academy to the northwest. We travel 3 days with no interruptions, see a sign on the fourth day warning us of “greenskins” and pointing to Northshore (N), Morioh/Eagle’s Rest/White Drake Academy (W) and keep going west. We’re attacked by a group of goblins/orcs on the fifth day, and Taz is killed, but we get info from a survivor that they recognize the gold mask. Rage has one, and she now rules Baelsergo, the city of beasts to the north, and the Blood Drinkers (symbol on the orc clothing). So now we have RAGE (Aedris’ enemy), GUILT (Corona), and FEAR (Draya) connected with golden masks. We travel to the town of Morioh and sell some loot. Kit goes to the temple of Velen to search for answers, gets a vision of a dark sun from the statue at the altar. Skully and Palloeson have some more info on their amulets being keys to the Temple of the Sunwalker, somehow connected to the druids of the Dawnfire Archipelago and their enemies (evil bat druids), and the name Alucard Cruorem, who took something from the good druids. ALUCARD = Gabriel, who they were traveling with at the beginning!
Session 4 (Oct 27th)
( was only here for the last hour and a half or so, so I don’t know what happened in detail at the beginning of the session with the circus and such) We get to Eagles’ Rest. People from the party visit a circus where a woman named Belona throws herself on spikes and isn’t hurt by them. They somehow see her golden mask and decide to assassinate her because of her assumed connections to the other golden-masked figures. Something about her triggers Palloeson’s memory, and then he connects with a woman named Sara, who breeds horses, and spends time with her outside the city. Saar has reservations on killing Belona, but casts Detect Evil and is staggered by the sheer force of evil and tormented souls around her. A plan is made to silver the spikes she falls on and try to kill her. Saar sees the image of Vestis watching them in the crowd, a serial killer they killed earlier in the campaign—he puts on a golden mask and disappears. Aedris is the only one at the circus to observe, since Vestis won’t know him. Belona falls on the spikes and transforms into some immense terrible demon and murders most people in the tent, but Sara the horse breeder transforms into some sort of bright moon goddess and fights it, and they chase each other away over the hills. The party runs to the docks, steals a ship, and sails for the academy, bringing the bodies of Mary and Taz. We have to leave Tessa and Robinson behind. RAGE = Belona
Session 5 (Nov 3rd)
We sail to the peninsula with the Academy and Neiros goes off to talk to his grandmother. We know Vestis is a golden mask now, but we don’t know what corresponding emotion it is. Most of us head to the library for research, and Saar finds the Tomes of Understanding he’s been searching for. Skully finds info on the amulets and the druids of the Dawnfire Archipelago/Celestial Isles (Hircine people = eleves loyal to the god of the sun, drow = elves loyal to the god of the moon). Kit researches the next eclipse, and talks to a professor about the Celestial Isles, the druids of the Dawnfire Archipelago, and their Ritual of Ascension (meet a spirit animal in their dreams to become druids). He doesn’t know anything about the Temple of the Sunwalker or evil blood druids. We stay for a long time to let Saar and Scully read the first Tome, and Skully learns about his previous life that he can’t remember. Tessa catches up and shows us her new tattoos, which are part of the ones she had in her vision, and tells us just a bit about Galadia and her sword/her backstory. We overhear that Eagles’ Rest has requested help from the Academy against the Blood Drinkers. Palloeson communes with the Briar King and now has formidable power and a thorn-wrapped arm with a pool of blackness in his palm. We are teleported to Northshore, the closest teleport option to Sigmaris. Skully talks the lady blacksmith into silvering our weapons. We decide to camp outside after the inn owner is racist to Saar, but the orc force attacks in the night.
Session 6 (Nov 10th)
The soldiers of Northshore are heavily outnumbered; Saar, Aedris and Palloeson rush in to help, Kit follows at a distance. Skully sneaks in to get some of our weapons back and get civilians out. The three party members are knocked unconscious and taken away by a giant lizard to the NE as the townsfolk are rounded up and told to go about their business under new beastman rule. Kit runs back and tells the other of the kidnapping, they meet up with Skully, and they track them NE. The three are taken to Baelsergo and imprisoned, and the amulet is taken to Rage. Palloeson escapes, confronts Rage, and is killed. We pull off an escape plan for the rest, and get out into the woods, crossing rivers to throw off the scent.
Session 7 (Nov 17th)
We keep heading north to flee, and then realize that our plan to get to Sigmaris is foolish, especially since we no longer have the bodies of Mary and Taz. So we change course to Caspia to get Tessa where she needs to go. Skully tells us everything he learned from the Tome and that the mask and the amulet is somehow what made him a skeleton person. His name used to be Aethis, he knew Palloeson as a member of a druid council, Skully didn’t get in, and they trained and did bad things. He knew the people who are now the golden masks (Alucard = Gabriel Mercrow, FEAR = Draya Braves, GUILT = Corona Albright, RAGE = Belona, MISERY = Dresden Nabacroft, APATHY = Vestis). The area they were, the Hirstfall Islands, was hit with a plague and Gabriel’s family died, and he is mad because the islands were blockaded and he thinks that’s why they died--revenge?. We reach the Great Lake and see kobold settlements around it, build a boat, and set sail. We are stopped by Thoss the black dragon and talk our way past him, but then find out Vestis is following us. We call Thoss to help, Vestis fights him and both are badly hurt. Vestis flees and the party kills Thoss but Skully dies in the process.
Session 8 (Nov 24th)
We loot Thoss’ hoard and lay Skully and Palloeson to rest, but keep Skully’s skull and Palloeson’s briar arm and hair just in case. Vestis is back to following us and tells us that Gabriel is coming to get the amulet in 5 days, so we should just give it up. We decide to head for Caspia and head into a series of caves back towards Northshore (with some kobolds in tow), but are attacked by a roper and brains on legs. We win the fight and press on.
Session 9 (Dec 1st): first session when I am in VT and unable to play
The party makes it back to the town controlled by beasts, does some shopping, and meets with Alucard/Gabriel. They agree to give him the amulet if he shows them what he is planning with the three of them and then leaves us alone. Neiros and Saar get tattoos using the ashes of Palloeson and Skully. The group sets sail towards the Dawnfire Archipelago with Alucard. Draya torments Kit alon g the way until Tessa intercedes. Our boat is boarded by a slave trader, and we discover that Saar has been framed and is wanted for slave trading. We win the ensuing battle and take the leader’s boat, then sail to the Dawn Fire islands with Alucard’s group, fighting some elves who think we are the slavers (thus becoming the villains). The trip takes a week, and we eventually reach an island with a culture of elves. The grandmother of Erny’s new character (El o’El? Am I spelling this right?) thought it was the goddess Lunarra the whole time (whole culture deceived by Kil’Jaeden), and cannot believe they have been misled, so she sends him with us to undone what has been done.
Dec. 8th (2nd session away)
It takes three days to reach the tower from the island, a whole day for the party and Alucard’s group to climb to the top of the tower in the Dawnfire Archipelago and another day for part of the group to make their way back down into “the prison not meant to be seen”. Kit, Nieros, Tessa, stay at the top of the tower, and then go back down to hunt for some provisions. Aedris, inside the tower, finds a portal at the bottom and vanishes into the Feywild, taking the rest of the inside group with him. Gabriel and his group take the crown and bracers they were seeking and disappear, but these items were what held the prisoner in place, and he is freed. It turns out to be Kil’Jaeden, the Great Deceiver, and he is released upon the Feywild, his form that of a monstrous naga/yuan’ti. The toweportal sinks into the ground and disappears, leaving the rest of the group back at ground level fighting other snake-like creatures drawn by Kil’Jaeden’s release. We travel to Caspia by boat, with the trip taking 16 days total. The group planned to lie about being the owners of the slavery contract and have members of the crew pretend to be slaves, but thought better of it and told their guards the truth, probably saving their own lives. Tessa travels to the Hall of Contracts and writes a message to her father, who seems overjoyed to know she is back and tells her to wait for him at a fancy hotel suite. Tessa also discovers that the place she needs to visit for the next step of her journey is a tomb in the common district. The session ended with Kit, Tessa, Saar, Raymond (Travis’ new character), and Nieros in a posh hotel room in Caspia, waiting to meet Tessa’s father, and Erny’s character and Aedris off by themselves in the shopping district. They think that Tessa is in danger from her father and don’t want any part of it. (Kil’Jaeden has been out for 17 days. We know through Kit’s research at the Academy that the next eclipse, the vision of the dark sun that Tessa and Kit have both seen, is about a year away).
Dec. 15th In the back room of the Golden Sun, Tessa, Kit, Saar, Raymond, and Nieros decide to go out and do some shopping/explore the city while waiting for Tessa’s father to travel the seven days from Zweilkhad to Zanarkand to reach them. Tessa and Kit go to Latheos the clothing merchant for new, less-conspicuous outfits; loose white robes with hoods in fine material. Kit, as a paler-skinned human, stands out somewhat in Caspia, so she covers up and tries to avoid notice. Kit and Tessa also travel to the Sandy Shards weaponry shop, where Tessa translates for Kit and we buy crossbow bolts for the crossbow taken from Thoss’ hoard. Kit also spots an intricate longbow made from some flexible metallic material, which proves to be designed to take strain off of the drawer and allow for greater accuracy and damage (+1).Raymond the mercenary buys manacles, Kit buys some Caspian gold bead and jewelry, Aedris buys a new brush for Bazul, and we buy a bunch of health potions as a group from a red-skinned tiefling owner of the Fire & Fury. Shopping episode! The tiefling is teaching some children in Caspian, but Nieros and Tessa translate and we learn he is teaching a class on rudimentary elements of magic and the danger of pact bargains. Aedris is badly affected by the heat of Caspia, but borrows Raymond’s ice spear to cool himself down. He also brings most of the money looted from Thoss’ hoard to the Hall of Gold bank and creates an account/changes some into platinum for carrying ease. The group walks to the Housing District to find the statue that Tessa needs to see, but are approached by two women in gauzy purple and blue clothes asking for a good time. They hang on Aedris, Nieros, and Raymond. Raymond shoos them away, but they discovered a good portion of their gold missing. Nieros attempts to search for them, but they disappear into the crowd. When we reach the statue, it depicts a man pointing a sword missing its point to the west and slightly south (the statue of Stormscale was pointing out over the ocean to the north). Around the base of the statue a building has been put up, which appears to be some sort of small house and church meeting place. An old woman is inside, and she invites us in after Tessa explains she is on a pilgrimage as a follower of Bahamut. We head in to allow Tessa to read some historical scrolls and search the base of the statue. The scrolls have some obviously redacted/missing sections, and no mentions of Bahamut (Zanarkand is devout to Ifrit) but we learn this is a statue to Abdul Jakar, an ordinary man who led a rebellion, and he is buried in Bela Cruz. Nothing turns up on our search of the statue. Kit asks Tessa to teach her some useful Caspian phrases in our downtime, and she also finds a phrasebook in a local bookstore. The group deposits the rest of our funds into the bank in a joint account. Two members must be present to make transactions, and if no transactions are made after 5 years, they will presume the group is all dead and take the money. Nieros has a new fancy set of clothing designed. Saar and Nieros head to the Court of Ambassadors, a giant library, and Saar tries to find books on ritual magic, but instead they meet Ignis Fireseeker, the High Judge of Caspia, a huge, buff man with arrow tattoos around his eyes and a golden insignia on his belt. He tells them that the female pickpockets work for Betra’s Serpents, an immensely powerful master assassin conclave. Ignis tells them that there is a contract/bounty (50,000 g each) for them , but warns of the likelihood of death if they take it. There are rumors that the bar Caspian Nights is being used as a hideout, and their leader is The Fang. When they tell the rest of the group, Tessa reacts to the name Ignis. We name the group The Silver Dawn, and come up with nicknames, then timeskip to Tessa’ father arriving. We are escorted out of the hotel by 20 Juda-Fen (high ranking soldiers, white-skinned tieflings with gray blindfolds), then meet his caravans outside the city. Domina Highland is a tiefling with skin that is red, bordering on slighty purple, in a fancy overcoat and gold jewelry. He greets Tessa warmly, glad to see her back, and then we go as a group to meet the Emperor Tur’Koatl. The palace is immense, and the Emperor sits on a flame-shaped throne as we approach, bowing. We introduce ourselves, and he interacts with us as we do: tells Nieros that he knew of his grandmother, makes comments on Tiamat when Saar speaks, informs Kit that Caspia is at war with Ivalice, and calls Tessa “The Whore”, although Domina Highland tries to stop him. We tell him the details of Kil Jaeden’s release, and he seems pleased that Tessa told him before telling her father. He takes it as good news, and takes us on a tour around the city to greet his people. Raymond plays Kingdoms/Cappicho against the Emperor, a game that is like a combo of chess and checkers, and does quite well for a beginner. The Emperor chastises Tessa for assuming he didn’t already have the information when she attempts to explain/tell him of the danger, so she falls silent. Kit asks more about the war with Ivalice, and gets the same treatment: a bit more info (closed borders, no trade, stolen caravans), but then a reprimand. We get back to the caravans speak with Tessa’s father. She learns from him that Galadia was killed by the Serpents, hired by the Abysswaters because she spurned the marriage that had been arranged between Tessa and their son. They are the ones the sarted “The Whore”, but her mother and older sister played into it. He also tells us that he has spies in Ivalice, and Holbrook has allied itself with the two other major cities, which is strange, because they are usually sworn enemies. He also informs Kit that Queen Briand has recently passed and Draya is fully in charge. Kit passes over the information of her cult. Tessa tries to negotiate with her father over retrieving Thoss’ treasure, and we ask for the ship to be repaired/renamed
Note: if people are interested I can try to keep this going with updates. Also I’m not sure if my player who took these notes is a reddit user. If she is I will eventually give her credit for the note taking.
Edit: added Dec 15 session notes.
Edit: Add new session notes.
Dec. 22nd The group travels on the caravan towards Tessa’s home, but midway we pass a woman on the road and allow her to join the caravan (Esmeralda). We pass by a signpost with Belacruz scratched out. Several of us are startled as we notice that the caravan has suddenly shifted from three carts to two, people have shifted in looks/age, and we appear to be in some sort of timeshift. Some of the party members do not notice, or believe that everything is normal. A younger Emperor Ter’Koatl is onboard (approximately 10-15 years younger), and Tessa has become Abdul Jakar, the Chosen of Bahamut. Tessa warns Kit to not interrupt anything, but just to watch and listen to everything around us. We travel to Abdul Jakar’s village, where we are greeted warmly and a great feast is prepared. Tessa keeps up the charade of being Abdul. We are attacked at the feast by a large group of warforged. Abdul’s wife and child are slain, and just as a creature is about to kill the Emperor, Tessa/Abdul leaps in front of the blast and saves him. We suddenly pop back to our original reality, only Tessa has a new set of tattoos and is sobbing hysterically. Only some of the party are able to remember what happened. We reach the Highland home, and Tessa must greet her mother and sister, who are acidic and unwelcoming. Lissandra blames Tessa for her childish behavior and running away from home, forcing her to marry Stega’Agar of the Abysswater family and take on more family duties. Tessa apologizes, but Lissandra and her mother are unmoved. We are given rooms in the Highland’s household. The group splits up for the night, with Tessa, Kit, and Saar going to the Casino with Tessa’s father and the rest going to the library of the Highlands to do some research. The Casino group plays a few rounds of a blackjack-based game, on Domina Highland’s tab, until a strange woman comes over and offers us a bigger gamble. She pulls out a deck of cards, and tells us that if we can pull one certain card from the deck, she will pay us handsomely. Saar draws a card from the deck and gains 50,000 exp and a magical iron flask. The woman pulls a card and she and the deck pop out of existence. Tessa and Kit drink at the Casino until it is time to go home. We run into the library group, and Saar finds out that the flask is magical from Nieros. He then opens it, and a giant creature made of fire pours out, until Saar convinces it to get back into the flask. Raymond, Elowells, and Nieros stuff a bunch of books into Aedris’ bag of holding. Dec. 29th The party gathers in the Highland home the next morning and discusses the need to visit the dwarves and Draconia, and how to release Lunara from her imprisonment in the Black Temple, Kil Jaeden’s plane. We did find a book with a spell that can bring us to the Black Temple, but we are not yet a high enough level to cast it. Aedris begins to examine the six magical books that he, Saar, and Nieros grabbed from the Highland library. Saar prays to his goddess, and an eagle lands in his window and then flies off to the west. Through her hangover, Kit prays to Velen for strength and guidance. Tessa joins morning prayers with her family, and while her father is pleased to see her, her mother and sister are not. She learns that Lissandra will be marrying Stega’Agar in approximately 2 months/7 moon cycles, and that this marriage will help solidify business dealings between the two families. The party heads to the Nine Hells Academy to do some research, 2 families away from the Highland estate, a massive building of jet black stone with a sharp, jagged appearance. The library is staffed by Transmuted Horrors, twisted masses of flesh and human body parts created by Domina Experiyankas as servants. Raymond develops a permanent fear of them. While at the library, Saar researches Kil Jaeden’s plane, the Black Temple. After the God Wars the gods all chose to stay in their own planes as an act of neutrality. Saar intuits that Kil Jaeden probably switched places with Lunara somehow, willing to bide his time in the Feywild to have someone release him. Using this method, he could avoid the gods detecting him as he entered the Material Plane through the Maelstrom, breaking that neutrality. This means that Lunara truly is trapped, since gods cannot willingly leave another god’s plane. He also learns that the plane is inhabited mostly by yuan-ti and lost souls, and the Temple itself is guarded by a hydra. Kit researches Velen’s beginning and tenets—Velen and his brother Virtus were part of an adventuring party (including Dhal Ul, Leolothwyn, Perthamal, Shallisara, Drasta Stormscale, Agnizarro) who helped out in the chaos before the God Wars and rose to fame and glory. Somehow the two brothers ascended to godhood after slaying Neshrac, although the process is unknown. The group leaves the library and goes to buy some magical items (at a shop next to the smithy where Galadia worked), including a cloak of fear for Aedris. He decides to test it as we leave the shop, catching Eloells unaware and causing him to shoot a Transmuted Horror in his confusion. Bystanders cry out at the incident, and the party scatters in fear. Several party members duck into alleys, but Saar and Aedris attempt to rush past some guards and are captured and brought to the Hall of Justice. Tessa, back at the shop, explains what occurred to a guard, then goes off to find her father to speak on behalf of the prisoners. We are all brought before the High Judge, Domina Justicar. We are ordered to pay 40,000 gold (10,000 for attacking a guard and 10,000 per soul for the three souls needed to make another Transmuted Horror). We take 10,000 gold out of the bank and Domina Highland pays the other 30,000 in exchange for a 90% share of Thoss’ hoard. Tessa parts on worse terms with her family than when we started, and we walk the 16 days back to Zanarkand. We pass a caravan full of caged animals on the way, and Saar learns that the creature in the flask he received can grant three wishes, but accidentally wastes one wishing it back into the flask. Back in Zanarkand, Kit goes back to the weaponsmith where she bought her bow, learns that the material is called steelwood, and has it engraved with a stylized version of Velen’s shield and the word “sacrifice”. We get on our repaired boat and sail 13 days towards the islands of Arathaal (sp?). Tessa learns that there is a holy temple of Bahamut somewhere on the island. We see that the HIrstfall islands are ringed by a combined Caspian and Draconian fleet, not allowing other ships close. Saar communes with Palloeson’s soul, and it does answer his three questions about the inhabitants of the island, but it appears to release him from some sort of prison and his oily black horse form gallops towards the island. It leaves large puddles of blackness on the ship that swallow anything thrown into them and causes necromantic damage. Saar uses one wish from the djinn to wish the souls of Tazak, Marikiel, and Aethis/Skully peace, and tries to include Palloeson, but his soul does not respond. He uses the final wish to wish us capable of handling the threat that is Kil Jaeden. Kit has a vision in her seasickness of “our party” (viewing this as Velen) holding a black crystal with a red center. I stab my brother and pour his blood over the crystal, and then do the same to myself, and my vision goes to black. We make our way to the island Palloeson ran towards to find a giant black ooze where a building once stood, and some of the party follow the horse’s black hoofprints to a hill. Saar traps Palloeson in the now-empty flask, and they battle the Briar Knight and his briarbeasts, barely escaping with their lives.
submitted by Peytonmont8954 to DnD [link] [comments]

[Lets Build] Factions

Welcome to the 41st [Lets Build]!
TOPIC: Factions
Die Roll Result
1 The Old Lord's Watch - A group of retired combatants that protect a small village from evil threats. They put up the disguise of an old man/woman, but they haven't forgotten their training.
2 The Wayfarers - a band of pirates who pilot the seas off Waterdeep. They offer peace with pirates who run the Wayfarer flag. The High Wayfarer is an illithid pirate.
3 Compassion Conclave - A conclave of Lawful Good Warlocks who work to promote being kind, helping others.
4 My Eyes are Down Here - Gnomes, Halfings, Duergar, Kobolds, small races of all kinds grouping together for awareness of Shorter races and delivering speechs and information on how to talk to those of shorter stature.
5 The Unchained - Mercenary band comprised of former slaves and prisoners. Make use of scavenged or improvised weapons. Often found fighting in rebellions. Have a very loose command structure and usually exist in smaller groups.
6 Society for the Protection of Nature - Various Druids, Monks, Paladins and Cleric of natural domains. Fighting against pollution of natural habitats, deforestation, industrialisation etc.
7 RSPD - The Royal Society for the Protection of Dungeons. A group of fanatics who believe that dungeons are to be preserved and not delved in for treasure or glory, or even to sort out the kobold problem.
8 The Legion of the Faceless - a nebulus organization that practices intense anonimity, always wearing masks when in combat or public settings. They claim to be everywhere and to hear everything, making them excellent at political blackmail and manipulation.
9 The Cult of the Clear-Eyed Mind - a small group of dwarves that have sworn off alcohol. They boast of fantastic powers, such as remembering what happened last night.
10 The Jötunn Valkyries: Half giant and half Aasimar these armored shield maidens inspire both dreadful fear and fierce loyalty. Their hair dyed red with blood and their eyes burning with a rage only a fool would ignore sets the tone on the battlefield.
11 The Banner of Pine Needles - A warband of elfish archers known for hunting goblins and orcs. They show no mercy and offer no quarter.
12 The Glürgil Tinkerocracy - A Gnomish scientific community that believes wild and dangerous progress for the sake of progress is still progress...only faster.
13 Lords of the Gyre Mountains - Dwarven emissaries, traders, warriors, smiths, and diplomats. Powerful and rich families comprise this clan. Their ancient walls have never been breached.
14 The Scale - Lizardfolk, Dragonborn, and Tortles known for their ambushes and their proclivity to bed in the sewers of large cities.
15 Morg Trigal - An abnormally large war band of goblins, orcs, and worgs. The large column of torches and smoke often gets them confused with a fire wurm. A war chief and shaman priestess leads the horde.
16 The Ivory Jacks - Led by the large, mustachioed Rupert Quakesly, the Ivory Jacks are the city's premier white collar gang. They deal in upper class drugs, underground fight rings, brothels, casinos, and they have their hands in the pockets of most politicians.
17 The Nobles of Naught - Led by the Crow Prince, a mysterious figure who wears a cloak of black feathers, the Nobles of Naught are everywhere. Dedicated to bringing an end to corruption and the mistreatment of the poor, the Nobles could be anyone, from the city guard, to the baker, to the small orphan on the street corner.
18 The Sirens - Led by Madame Tuvelle, an elegant older woman, the Sirens are a group of elite spies and assassins around the world disguised as escorts and whores. Their base is in a huge, gaudy establishment known as the Sanguine Songbird, which fronts as an upper class casino/babrothel.
19 Council of the Eight Tipped Star - An order of mages led by eight masters, each focused on one of the schools of magic.
20 The Knights of the Arsenal - An order of holy knights who value showmanship. They stage elaborate gladiatorial bouts as a way to fund expeditions to hunt and destroy evil forces throughout the world.
21 The Deep Corsairs - Vicious pirates, mutated by some elder sea god into half-humanoid, half-fish monstrosities. Usually, they don't bother with ships of their own, simply rising out of the sea and sending their victims (and their treasure) to watery graves for later retrieval.
22 The Order of St. Davûm - A holy order, founded by a priest of the god of death, whose priests go with armies marching to war to serve as healers and medics; they perform burial rights after battles for the fallen soldiers on both sides to prevent them from being brought back as undead.
23 The Fraternal Order of the Azure Quill - An organization of sages and spies. Secretly run by an evil blue dragon, most members do not realize that they are collecting information specifically on the dragon's rivals to help him take them down.
24 The Order of the Archive - A knightly order dedicated to preserving all knowledge, even reprehensible works by demon worshippers and necromancers, against a future dark age, and making sure it stays safely in the right hands. Knights of the Archive train rigorously in shutting down black mages, helping those who have had their minds stolen by evil magic, and protecting and copying ancient writings.
25 The Gabbo Initiative - A group of wizards that are convinced they can civilize goblins.
26 The Council of Gears - Warforged, Gnomes, and Dwarves sit on this very public group whose main purpose is to limit the proliferation of dangerous technologies. Their influence spans continents.
27 The Hollow Moon Pack - Lycanthropes, shape changers, and animagi so ancient they no longer change with the moon. They mostly keep to themselves, but when angered their savagery is legendary.
28 Crone Rock Watch - A group of paladins and clerics that hunt down hags and witches.
29 The Magistari - Five aasimar wizards sent from the east to destroy a great evil.
30 The Silver Woodsmen - Anti lycanthrope, and expert monster hunters. They have all lost family to this affliction and are not known for showing mercy.
31 The 50's - A gang of half-breeds. Half-orcs, half-elves, half-halflings (quarterlings?). You name it. They just want to be seen as legitimate races.
32 The Order of The White Stag - a group of rangers still loyal to an elven Prince in exile.
33 The Last Arc - a group of environmentalist who believe that the end of days is coming, and have built a huge raft to ride out the apocalypse.
34 Fragmented Truth - a faction of believers who think that the written history of the land is a lie, created by the ruling kingdom to control the common people. They seek the truth about history so they can expose the kingdom for the fakes they are.
35 Angelic Fighters - a well known faction of warriors who wish to finish to take their last breath on the battlefield. The faction will fight for any side in any conflict for the right coin.
36 Glory's Treasure - a faction of low rank adventurers, searching for the long lost treasure of the ancient kingdom.
37 Altered Magic - The faction of dark mages who wish to change magic forever.
38 Librarians of The Kingdom - a faction that seeks the knowledge lost to time. This faction consists of several scholars ranging from Historians to Poets. This faction has one core belief that the blue dragons are the superior creatures of this world, and as such the Librarians can't harm a blue dragon.
39 Shady Ladies - The mysterious faction of ladies who have been cast out of society for various reasons. The faction works in secret to gain enough power to over throw the current kingdom.
40 Black Bards - a famous group of bards that travel the lands searching for musical talent to join their faction.
41 Huntsmen of Grim-Lock - a group of huntsmen that protect the town of Grim-Lock from the unknown evil of the world. This faction is mysterious in nature, and the very location of Grim-Lock is unknown. Joining the faction much less finding them is a struggle of impossible feats.
42 The Gaia Chain - A massive, world-wide, ancient order comprised of druid circles, dragons, and elementals. Membership is usually passed along bloodlines. However, they have three gigantic temples that are open to the public only once a year.
43 The Razing Horde - Barbarians, Orcs, and Goblin tribes that united and utterly destroyed a city for tormenting them with necromancy and dark magiks. They diverted a river to wash away the ruins of the wizard filth.
44 The Capellbairn of Craghoof - Mostly scouting parties, traders, farmers, and warbands of centaurs & halflings. Very territorial... and very odd to see.
45 The Witchgamut - An order headed by three sphinxes, three LE hags, and three Aasimar that are dedicated to keeping wild magic in check.
46 The Praxus Inquisitors - Order dedicated to purging the world of magic and their practitioners.
47 Infiltration Unit 42 - Warforged led spy cabal that hasn't stopped even though the Great War is long over.
48 Flumphs for a Peaceful Future - A cloister of flumphs have made a group that encourages peaceful interactions amongst the Underdark.
49 The Green Order - A group of knights that protect a forest. When knighted, as part of their oath to the [forest/diety/whatever] their hair turns a dark forest green. (Shamelessly stolen from Matt Colville's Ratcatcher books)
50 The Unalloyed - A group of xenophobic Dwarves that want to remove all non-Dwarves from Dwarven lands.
51 Order of the Black Sun - a group of monster-hunters, made up of people who have lost family or friends to monstrosities. They are lead by a Knight in dark armor who's face is never seen. The Order is made up of good people, who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.
52 Dragão azul (Order of the Blue Dragon) - A secret organization of agents that handle the less scrupulous needs of the ruling class. They have a set of coded chits they keep on their possession when communicating with each other.
53 The Glacial Stream - A mercenary group of made up of goliaths that were expelled from their tribes. They travel the world and take on dangerous tasks that either lead them to glory or an honorable death.
54 Syndicates - a group of wizards, scientists and engineers who develop technologies to dominate the world. They live and work in underground chambers, protected by runes and automatons, and often attack settlements for supplies and test subjects.
55 Owlbear Team Nine - an elite force of highly skilled combatants, who respond to immediate terrorist threats, and hunt down their headquarters in order to eliminate them.
56 The NewWorlders - magic users who believe to have discovered a way to create a new plane of existence. Their objective is to create a realm of pure good, where all races can live happily and safely forever. They attempt to achieve this by the easiest and quickest means, which often involves theft and murder.
57 The Knights of Pi - a group of paladins/druids that live in a big forest, supposedly protecting it from evildoers. They channel their magic using math, that always involves circles, and shouting the letter π.
58 The Scarlet Troupe - a company of tricksters, jugglers, acrobats and strange animals that roam the land delighting the masses with dangerous acts and daring twirls. But that's a façade, for the Lady —head of the troupe— is a Mistress of the Assassin's Guild, and she moves the Troupe to where she (and them) must fulfill contracts.
59 Knights of Levistus - an ancient group of devil worshippers that use only fire based magic. Their only goal for centuries has been to travel to their master in the Fifth Layer of Hell and melt the ice that imprisons him, and in turn they have been promised eternal life and power if they succeed.
60 The Sixth House - Members of a dishonoured / forgotten noble family who work in the shadows to destabilize the ruling Five Houses.
61 The Circus of Smiles - A roaming caravan of performers and clowns which is actually a dangerous cult of chaos and insanity. This roaming band leaves only destruction in their wake, as their charms lure members in with displays of debauchery and madness.
62 The Curators - An organization of wizards of several races that have banded together to create the greatest compendium of magical knowledge called Index. They are known to fanatically hunt down and catalogue magical artifacts and tomes to add to their already sizable collection. They have even been known to trade in countries' secrets and intelligence, running a vast underground spy network.
63 The Nighthawks - A group of assassins, under the guise of servants of the local death god/goddess. They are a rogue element, and disavowed by the death temple, as they actively kill, rather than letting death come naturally. Of course, this is a front for their true identity, a cult of demon worshippers, hunting artifacts of ancient power to fuel the gate spells that they intend to cast in order to allow their demon king to cross to the material realm and claim it. The most dedicated/depraved members have been gifted/cursed with a charm of undeath, rising a short time after they are killed as near-unkillable vessels of the demon king to exert his will and rage upon the mortal world for a time.
64 The Golden Legacy - A terrorist organization composed of the descendants and worshippers of a tyrannical gold dragon. The dragon left behind its naturally good outlook on life in pursuit of greater power, starting a cult during the process. Even though it has been centuries since the dragon’s passing, members of all races can be found among the ranks of those that believe that the dragon will return one day. The organization is led by gold dragonborn who are believed to be of the dragon’s lineage, and are thereby holy in the organization’s eyes. The faction’s main focus is to seize the “holy land”, the capital of a nearby empire which had originally been the dragon’s lair. In addition, the faction is strongly predjudiced against all dragonborn that are not gold, even other metallic-descended dragonborn. They are seen as unholy, and the Legacy wages a race war on all “inferior” dragonborn in order to purge such “blasphemous creatures” from the world.
65 The Church of the Great Eye - A cult that worships Chezdrur, a beholder.
66 The Faith of the Lazer Eye - A similar cult that worships Eloks, a rival beholder of Chezdrur.
67 Anonymouse - A group of anarchistic ratfolk. Known for their foul mouths and horrible pranks.
68 Tiamat's Teeth - Dragonborn and human followers make up this army. Conquest for their dragon masters is the only thing they know.
69 The Oak Defenders - Mostly comprised of farmers, fighters, and freed slaves they will fight to protect their lands. They have quite the armory from all the foes they've defeated over generations. The local nobles are getting scared of their growing political aspirations.
70 The Stone Hewers - They built most of the walls in the kingdom. Mostly civilized giants, human engineers, dwarf masons and ogres. They have a monopoly on both building walls and destroying them.
71 The Tonabi - Hunter gatherers that live in yurts along a coastal mountain range to the north. Their territory extends to many islands and many an intruder has fallen to their arrows and harpoons. Love to trade fish, meats, pelts, and seaweed for metal.
72 The Yarn Pride - Tabaxi rouges that got tired of being treated poorly by society. They steal anything not nailed down. Scratch that...they just stole the nails. Check your pockets.
73 The Sel'drow Heretics - Former wanderers and slaves from the Underdark. These Drow have taken to farming the lands of the surface world over generations. They spread out like ants, forming colonies with underground tunnels that connect to their home caves. They have never forgotten the old ways though.
74 The Piruaga - Jungle dwellers that claim a large territory and are known for sending out emissaries to trade. Their fruits, bushmeats, nuts, medicines and other exotic goods are highly prized. Their dart poisons, however, are a well kept secret.
75 The Tokupi - Known headhunters. They are experts at water warfare. Their obsidian weapons are meant more to maim instead of kill. They are known slave traders.
76 The Red Thrush - A group of Kenku that splintered off from the local Thieves Guild. An abandoned wizard's tower is their base of operations.
77 The Ainmhithe Triads - Three corrupted druid conclaves that are committed to destroying every city on the planet.
78 Daughters of the Nymph - All female druid-led communes that hunt and capture men once a year.
79 The Paper Court - A secret organization of scholars, wizards, and other knowledge-seekers. Most librarians and booksellers in the region are affiliated with them in some way. It is said that they have a sprawling underground library under a major city.
80 The Fold - A very selective organization of efficient mercenaries led secretly by a bronze dragon.
81 The Order of Balance - An ancient mystical organisation of wizards and sages who try to keep the equilibrium between order and chaos. Not much is known about them but they appear to have had their hands in every major political conflict in the past thousand years.
82 Multiverse Intervention Block - short MIB, A shadowy organisation that deals with beings from another realm, unknown to most people. Conspiracies have formed about the existence of this group. It consists of highly trained mages and fighters who seem to be wherever some unidentified creatures causes havoc. They always wear black and seem somewhat inhuman to the people they encounter. Unfortunately, nobody ever remembers their faces or what happened after their visit.
83 The Wee Green Men - Gnome farmers that will take over any land they feel they should own, and convert it to cabbage farming. They turn an impressive crop, but since most of it is fermented into alcohol they end up a nuisance for every nearby town a few weeks after the harvest. No town has survived more than one farming season without driving them out.
84 Madam Maga's Travelling Brothel - A roaming caravan filled with, for lack of a better term, magic prostitutes. They use magic to charm people into entering and then change their forms to suit the needs of their , ahem, clients. It's run by a succubus with no real interest in wars or political troubles, unless it effects her work for the worse.
85 The Rosehills - A traveling family of halfling diplomats committed to making peace between all races and factions. In fact they’re so committed to peace that they are willing to lie, steal, bribe, kill, and in extreme cases commit genocide if that’s what it takes to stop the bloodshed.
86 Cade’s Foundation - An order of wizards who seek to educate the common people about magic and make taboo magical arts, such as necromancy, more socially acceptable.
87 The Dammed - A group of druids protects a forest directly next to a massive trade city. Any time the city attempts to expand into the forest, The Dammed responds by organizing all the beavers in the forest to dam the main trade river that leads into the city.
88 The Goblin Crown - They possess one third of a magical crown that can control an ancient army of golden clock-work automatons. Known for kidnapping gnomes and dwarves in an effort to find the other pieces.
89 The Ancient Golden Dwarves - They possess one third of a magical crown that can control an ancient army of golden clock-work automatons. Known for kidnapping gnomes and goblins in an effort to find the other pieces.
90 The Clockwork Gnomes - They possess one third of a magical crown that can control an ancient army of golden clock-work automatons. Known for kidnapping goblins and dwarves in an effort to find the other pieces.
91 The Kingdom of the Blood Oak - A heavily armored and regimented army of elves. Their forest strongholds and forts are found along established trade routes. Their expansion throughout the forest resembles symbiosis more than conquest.
92 Eyes of the Serpent - Yuan-Ti Purebloods, Lizardfolk, Tortles, and Dragonborn make up the bulk of this spy network. They trade in poisons and secrets. Their negotiations start with offering you a drink, and ends when they decide to give you the antidote.
93 The Emerald Kingdom of Zô - A giant Dwarven stronghold sits on a bed of giant green crystals. These crystals are the size of mountains and run forever in rich subterranean veins. Home to dwarves, gnomes, and halflings they rarely allow the tallfolk to enter their domain. Their crystals release a gas that fuels an armada of air ships.
94 Siggi's Marauders - Vikings, barbarians, berserkers, shield maidens... once they were roving tribes of raiding parties. That was until a legendary shield maiden gave her life to save the entire northern part of the continent. United under her banner, the peace her sacrifice wrought encouraged trade and expansion south. To kill a fellow Northerner is taboo and punishable by blood eagle.
95 The H'radrome Empire - A hobgoblin civilization based on ancient Rome. They use goblins as foot soldiers and their grand coliseum hosts daily games. The twisted columns leave much to be desired.
96 Order of the Shadow Lotus - Yuan-Ti Pureblood royal assassins and alchemists make up the upper echelons of this group. There are whispers of a lich leading them for the last 500 years.
97 The Red Kings - An alliance of monsters and villains bent on ruling the world. Currently led by Kaanchiweartoliock the red emperor, an ancient red dracolich.
98 House of Bjernson - An ancient Nordic clan. Every male is named Bjern Bjernson and seeks some unique accomplishment to use as a Suffix. Founded by Bjern Bjernson the Lightbringer, vampire-hunting paladin. Currently lead by Bjern Bjernson the Darkslayer, monster hunter who has killed over two-hundred shadows.
99 The Halls of the Dead - Reformed undead, vampires, zombies, ghouls and skeletons that just want to be left alone. They consider necromancers doctors and their territory envelopes graveyard after graveyard.
100 The Titan Provincial Government - Refusing the ordning and the inequality it promotes, these giants have established a peaceful, stable community with humans out in the wilds. It is a true democracy, but is known for utterly destroying hostile invaders...and their homes...and their cities...and their countries. One of the last places on earth known to harvest the giantsbane plant. "Humanoids are friends, not food...unless they attack first."
Special thanks to u/dndspeak, u/Slainlion, u/SonicWafflez, u/the3rdtea, u/technowriter, u/Weishaupt666, u/NachoFailconi, u/Gabrielckc, u/Jacknerik, u/definitely_joe, u/RavenRoostBandit, u/Xurandor, u/buddychrist627, u/Hwga_lurker_tw, u/OptimumTurner, u/fringd, u/Qozux, u/unitedshoes, u/benjamin-graham, u/skele, u/ThePragmaticPimp, u/DraXus87, u/Nyarlathotep__ u/Patergia, u/LordOph
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